Frequently Asked Questions

If you are over 18 and are experiencing sagging of the breasts, a breast lift may be a highly effective option. Ideal candidates are in good health, are at a stable weight, non-smoking, free of medical conditions that impede healing, and are not pregnant or breastfeeding.

Sometimes, there may be reasons to wait or not to have a breast lift.

If you are in poor health, significantly overweight, have problems with healing, or are pregnant or nursing, you are most likely not a good candidate for breast lift (mastopexy).

Smoking can lead to complications, and you should consult your surgeon further before surgery.

Following surgery, you can expect swelling, pain, and discomfort that can be managed with rest and medication. Dressings or bandages are applied, and small drains are sometimes placed briefly to remove the unwanted fluid. You will likely require a surgical or support bra for several weeks to control swelling and provide adequate support as your breasts heal. Patients often return to work within one or two weeks following surgery. However, following your surgeon’s advice regarding any restrictions on work, exercise, lifting, or other strenuous activity is essential.

Your breasts may take a few months to assume their new natural appearance and shape fully.

Breast lift surgery has numerous benefits but is not without risk. You can expect some loss of sensation (usually temporary as your breasts settle), swelling, soreness, and bruising during your recovery. More severe complications can include permanent numbness or nerve damage with loss of sensation to the nipple, infection, hematoma, breast asymmetry, and inability to breastfeed. If you elect to have a breast lift with augmentation (implants), there are added risks (see our breast augmentation page for more information).

While serious complications are unusual, your surgeon will review the procedure and potential complications with you in detail, and it is essential to follow all advice and pre and post-operative instructions given by Dr. Rieger to help minimize risks.

You can expect some scarring with breast lift surgery, and the techniques used will impact the appearance and location of the scars. Incision lines tend to become far less visible for most patients with time. Your plastic surgeon will recommend the technique and incisions that work best with your anatomy and goals and discuss options with you in detail.

Some people are prone to keloid (red and raised) or hypertrophic (dark in color) scarring, which can lead to more visible scars and potentially unwanted results. Suppose you have a known tendency to develop abnormal scarring.

In that case, you must discuss this with Dr. Rieger, who can assess your particular history and risk and help you determine whether or not to pursue breast lift surgery.

Breast lift results can last for many years. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and weight can help sustain your new appearance for longer. It is possible that over time, aging and gravity can again lead to a gradual loss of skin elasticity, causing the breasts to sag. Should this happen, you may consider having additional breast procedures.

In many cases, breastfeeding is still possible, though interference with the ability to do so is a potential complication of this type of surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are over 18 and are experiencing sagging of the breasts, a breast lift may be a highly effective option. Ideal candidates are in good health, are at a stable weight, non-smoking, free of medical conditions that impede healing, and are not pregnant or breastfeeding.

Sometimes, there may be reasons to wait or not to have a breast lift.

If you are in poor health, significantly overweight, have problems with healing, or are pregnant or nursing, you are most likely not a good candidate for breast lift (mastopexy).

Smoking can lead to complications, and you should consult your surgeon further before surgery.

Following surgery, you can expect swelling, pain, and discomfort that can be managed with rest and medication. Dressings or bandages are applied, and small drains are sometimes placed briefly to remove the unwanted fluid. You will likely require a surgical or support bra for several weeks to control swelling and provide adequate support as your breasts heal. Patients often return to work within one or two weeks following surgery. However, following your surgeon’s advice regarding any restrictions on work, exercise, lifting, or other strenuous activity is essential.

Your breasts may take a few months to assume their new natural appearance and shape fully.

Breast lift surgery has numerous benefits but is not without risk. You can expect some loss of sensation (usually temporary as your breasts settle), swelling, soreness, and bruising during your recovery. More severe complications can include permanent numbness or nerve damage with loss of sensation to the nipple, infection, hematoma, breast asymmetry, and inability to breastfeed. If you elect to have a breast lift with augmentation (implants), there are added risks (see our breast augmentation page for more information).

While serious complications are unusual, your surgeon will review the procedure and potential complications with you in detail, and it is essential to follow all advice and pre and post-operative instructions given by Dr. Rieger to help minimize risks.

You can expect some scarring with breast lift surgery, and the techniques used will impact the appearance and location of the scars. Incision lines tend to become far less visible for most patients with time. Your plastic surgeon will recommend the technique and incisions that work best with your anatomy and goals and discuss options with you in detail.

Some people are prone to keloid (red and raised) or hypertrophic (dark in color) scarring, which can lead to more visible scars and potentially unwanted results. Suppose you have a known tendency to develop abnormal scarring.

In that case, you must discuss this with Dr. Rieger, who can assess your particular history and risk and help you determine whether or not to pursue breast lift surgery.

Breast lift results can last for many years. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and weight can help sustain your new appearance for longer. It is possible that over time, aging and gravity can again lead to a gradual loss of skin elasticity, causing the breasts to sag. Should this happen, you may consider having additional breast procedures.

In many cases, breastfeeding is still possible, though interference with the ability to do so is a potential complication of this type of surgery.

Indulge in Relaxation and Rejuvenation at Healing Waters in Wichita, KS

Healing Waters is proud to offer extensive Spa Therapies, Medical Aesthetics, Wellness, Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, and more to clients in Wichita, KS, and its communities. Our commitment to exceptional service and individualized care has established us as the go-to destination for those seeking to elevate their health, well-being, and appearance.

Indulge in Relaxation and Rejuvenation at Healing Waters in Wichita, KS

Healing Waters is proud to offer extensive Spa Therapies, Medical Aesthetics, Wellness, Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, and more to clients in Wichita, KS, and its communities. Our commitment to exceptional service and individualized care has established us as the go-to destination for those seeking to elevate their health, well-being, and appearance.

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