

“I love ReFirme. I see instant results, and it doesn’t hurt!”
– L.S.
ReFirme Patient

Frequently Asked Questions

ReFirme is effective on all skin types and skin colors. A minimum of four treatments is usually required for the best results. The total number of treatments recommended depends on your skin’s condition. Your initial treatments will be done every 3-4 weeks. After that, maintenance treatments are recommended every 3-6 months to maintain the effects.

Immediately post-treatment, most patients feel a little warmth in the skin, similar to a light sunburn, which usually diminishes in 1-3 hours. Makeup can be applied immediately after a treatment, and you can resume normal activities. There is no downtime with this procedure.

During your treatments and after, as collagen develops for a few months, fine wrinkles within the treatment area will be reduced, and sagging skin will be noticeably lifted. The texture on the surface will also become smoother and more toned.

While results can be seen after just one treatment, most patients see gradual and cumulative effects throughout a Refirme series, with optimal results visible in 6-12 months. This time frame allows for complete healing and the production of new collagen and elastin to replace damaged tissue.

Most patients treat either the full face or the whole face and neck. ReFirme Skin Tightening treatments can also be done on other body areas, such as the chest, arms, stomach, or buttocks, for additional lifting and smoothing.

Before the procedure, your skin will be cleansed, protective eyewear applied, and cold ultrasound gel will be smoothed on the skin’s surface. Most patients describe a warm sensation as the radiofrequency energy enters their skin. The procedure takes 10-30 minutes, depending on the areas treated.

Because Refirme Skin Tightening uses far less optical energy than other IPL systems, it is also one of the least painful skin rejuvenation treatments available. Most patients report minimal discomfort during treatments; no recovery time is needed after the procedure. Many patients return to normal activities immediately after the treatment. Cooling of the skin’s surface provides enhanced safety and additional comfort.

ReFirme Skin Tightening treatment is suitable for individuals of all skin types and tones. However, it is important to note that this treatment is unsuitable for pregnant individuals or with certain medical conditions.

If you are considering ReFirme Skin Tightening, it is essential to consult with a qualified cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist to determine whether this treatment is right for you.

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are some potential side effects associated with ReFirme Skin Tightening treatment. These may include redness, swelling, and mild discomfort in the treated area. However, these side effects are typically mild and temporary, and most individuals are able to resume their normal activities immediately following treatment.

The number of treatments required for ReFirme Skin Tightening will depend on your individual needs and goals. Most individuals require multiple treatments to achieve optimal results. Typically, a series of three to six treatments spaced several weeks apart is recommended.

ReFirme Skin Tightening treatment results can vary from person to person, but most individuals experience visible improvement in skin tightness and firmness. The results of this treatment are long-lasting and, with proper care and maintenance, can last for several months to a year or more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Because this procedure ablates more in-depth into the epidermis, it is the perfect step for patients seeking something between microdermabrasion and full skin resurfacing. Anyone wishing to reduce or delay the signs of aging, postpone more aggressive surgical treatments, or prolong the results of previous treatments can benefit from a MicroLaserPeel® and NanoPeel ™. Individuals with fine lines, pigmentation, and scars can typically benefit from laser peels.

Immediately post-treatment, the skin will develop a frosty appearance. This dehydrated skin will peel away over the next few days following treatment. On the second day, you may experience some redness and a sensation similar to sunburn with minor sloughing. Redness will begin to fade by the third day and can easily be covered by makeup on the fourth day. It is also normal to experience mild swelling. You will probably want to plan downtime while your skin is healing. The procedure can be performed on a Thursday or Friday, allowing you to return to work the following Monday.

You probably want to plan for a day or two at home while looking slightly red (similar to a sunburn). The downtime associated with this highest strength MicroLaserPeel® is typically 5-7 days as it’s mostly a light (meaning a relatively shallow skin depth) full skin resurfacing procedure. Downtime for the lower intensity NanoPeel™ downtime is 24-72 hours.

Your skin will be cleansed, and a topical numbing cream will be applied to alleviate any mild discomfort, though there should be minimal pain or discomfort because of the light depth of this peel. Your eyes will be covered with protective shields. The laser handpiece will be positioned above the skin and held in place as the computer-guided scanner moves the laser beam around the treatment area. Depending on the size of the area being treated, the procedure usually lasts 15-30 minutes.

A cooling air blast blown directly on the treated areas throughout the procedure serves as a further anesthetic to soothe and cool the skin.

One of the primary advantages of MicroLaserPeel® and NanoPeel ™ is that it causes little pain because it does not penetrate very deeply into the skin. Most people can tolerate treatment with no anesthetic in its shallow settings.

Consider combination laser therapy to boost the skin rejuvenation you get from a Nano peel ™ or MicroLaserPeel®. The benefits of well-planned combination treatments are: maximum skin improvement results in the least amount of time and achieved most cost-effectively. MicroLaserPeel® is frequently combined with HALO or Forever Young BBL™ procedures.

The treatment takes approximately 30 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.

Most patients see significant improvement in their skin after just one treatment. However, a series of laser facial procedures may be recommended for optimal results. Our experienced technicians will work with you to determine the best treatment plan for your needs.

The treatment is well-tolerated by most patients and is typically described as feeling like a series of slight pinpricks on the skin. We also use a topical numbing cream to ensure maximum comfort during the treatment.

Indulge in Relaxation and Rejuvenation at Healing Waters in Wichita, KS

Healing Waters is proud to offer extensive Spa Therapies, Medical Aesthetics, Wellness, Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, and more to clients in Wichita, KS, and its communities. Our commitment to exceptional service and individualized care has established us as the go-to destination for those seeking to elevate their health, well-being, and appearance.

Indulge in Relaxation and Rejuvenation at Healing Waters in Wichita, KS

Healing Waters is proud to offer extensive Spa Therapies, Medical Aesthetics, Wellness, Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, and more to clients in Wichita, KS, and its communities. Our commitment to exceptional service and individualized care has established us as the go-to destination for those seeking to elevate their health, well-being, and appearance.

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