Healing Waters Journal

An observance of daily rituals, wellness tips, and holistic values we hold on to tightly.

Healing Waters Journal

An observance of daily rituals, wellness tips, and holistic values we hold on to tightly.

Discover Your Skin Beauty and Feel Youthful

August 29, 2023|

Discover Your Skin Beauty and Feel Youthful

Spa Services and Aesthetic Treatments in Wichita for Skin Beauty and Youthful Feelings. Are you aware of how your body looks? Are you aware of the signs of aging that are visible in your mirror? Are you experiencing sore neck pain from poor posture at work?
Wichita's regular day spa may not provide specialized services or cosmetic services to improve your overall health. A med spa is the best option.
A medical spa is a combination of traditional day spa services and skin treatments that are usually offered at a hospital.

Healing Waters is here to help, no matter your age. Here are our top picks for services to help you start your wellness journey.

Botox to look young

Botox, a cosmetic treatment that temporarily reverses the signs of aging, can be used to treat sagging jows or etched necks.
Botox in Wichita can be used to smoothen wrinkles around the neck, eyes, forehead, nose, and lips. One session typically takes between 15 and 45 minutes.
Popular Wichita Botox clinics like HealingWaters promise a 10-minute treatment that will leave you with wrinkle-free results for up to six months.

Coolsculpting helps to reduce fat

Beautiful artifacts were created by ancient civilizations from excess stone. Coolsculpting is a modern way to replicate ancient civilizations and reduce stubborn fat bulges. This includes the areas around the eyes, stomach, love handles, and arms.

CoolSculpting is a great treatment option for active men or women. It can result in a 20-25% decrease in fat layer thickness in just one session.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved CoolSculpting in Wichita as an outpatient treatment. Each session typically lasts between 45 and 90 minutes.

Rejuvenate your body with facials and massages

Traditional massage techniques such as Deep Tissue, Hot Stone, and Swedish can relieve stress and pain by increasing blood flow.

Both men and women can benefit from facial treatments to revive tired skin. Chemical peel treatments and special facial serums can brighten the complexion of your skin and improve your skin texture. They also remove pimples, blackheads, and scars.

HealingWaters facials and body massage sessions last approximately 20 to 90 minutes. You will see amazing results from the first session.

To learn more, contact Healing Waters via mail, phone, or in person.

Celebrating 20 Years of Providing Services

Celebrating 20 Years of Providing Services

August 23, 2023|

Celebrating 20 Years of Providing Services

Hooray! Healing Waters turns 20 in 2018. We are proud to have earned your trust and support. We have always felt great by making your skin feel great. This year, we celebrated both the growth and success of both sides by throwing an amazing party with lots of delicious food, drinks, and giveaways. These events were complemented by several other events that included discussions with local women business leaders, private tours of exhibits for VIPs, and a lively party.

We allowed guests to make their own salt soaks, create floral bouquets, plant on our GROW wall and also experience Self-Care treatments like Vitamin IVs/Botox. A giant "20" was carved on the GROW wall. A variety of desserts and cakes were also served, which speaks volumes about how special our customers are to us. The event took place at Healing Waters Bradley Fair. This seemed like the ideal venue for such a wonderful evening. The event was attended by 50 guests who were given a $50 voucher towards services. The whole experience was amazing, from the stunning view of the water from their lounge area to how the services were performed.

Healing Waters, a therapy and message spa located in Wichita (Texas), is the place to go if you want to learn more about us. We offer a wide range of treatments including spa therapies, advanced aesthetic treatment, wellness treatments (such vitamin IV's), cosmetic plastic surgery, and other treatments. Our goal is to help clients like you achieve proactive wellness and maintain your body's natural balance. For more information, please contact us.

Discover Your Skin Beauty and Feel Youthful

What is Botox Cosmetic Treatment?

What is Botox Cosmetic Treatment?

August 19, 2023|

What is Botox Cosmetic Treatment?

It's a popular cosmetic treatment that you may have heard about. Botox cosmetic treatment has become a fad with increasing numbers of people choosing it to enhance their appearance. The injection involves injecting a prescription medication into the muscles. This treatment can temporarily improve the appearance of mild to severe forehead lines, crowfeet lines, frown lines between the eyebrows, and crowfeet lines in adults. Botox Cosmetic uses minimally invasive technology to enhance the appearance of skin rather than undergoing plastic surgery.

Botox Cosmetic is an FDA-approved injection of neurotoxins that relax muscles around your eyes, forehead, and mouth. It smoothens frown lines, worry lines, crow's feet, and wrinkles. This is a delicate process that requires expert guidance. We are that expert! Healing Waters, a spa and cosmetic therapy center in Wichita Texas, is home to Healing Waters. Our staff is highly skilled in using advanced technology and has a good understanding of the process. We promise to provide the best.

To schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone or mail. Healing Waters can be your bridge to amazing looks and you. Book Now

Celebrating 20 Years of Providing Services

Our Massage Services will help you get better slee...

Anti Aging Remedies You NEED

August 15, 2023|

Anti Aging Remedies You NEED

This past week, I had multiple Zoom and FaceTime calls, and I was surprised at how much discipline it took for me not focus my attention on the effects aging had on my face and neck. I do not think I am alone in this feeling. Spending hours on Zoom and Facetime calls has us looking at our face in motion and not just in static photos. You may notice the aging in your face more than before the quarantine. Laxity, droopiness, or movements from collagen and elastin loss were evident before the COVID-19 outbreak; it is now just looking back at us daily as we are using technology for meetings and virtual cocktail parties!

If you are noticing a more etched-in neck, sagging jowls, or a double chin, you are not alone. Anti-aging treatments are our specialty at Healing Waters; we have one of the most robust clienteles for Botox and dermal fillers in our region, and have been treating the aging face for over 18 years. When you are walked through the science behind neck-related aging and then provided with follow up action steps to turn back the clock, you will realize how important it is to take care of the skin on your neck.

Why Neck Aging Happens

To facilitate the neck and head movement, as well as talking and swallowing, the skin on the neck is more pliable and elastic than the skin on the face. In fact, you can feel this with your fingers by gently tugging on the skin on your neck and then your face to notice the difference.

The neck's skin will show the effects of aging, as collagen and elastin decrease with old age. We still need enough skin to have a full range of motion of the head, but with elastin loss, the skin does not snap back to its resting position, and wrinkles become more prominent. Additionally, neck skin is often neglected, even by people who take care of their faces. We usually fix problems when we see them instead of working hard to prevent problems. Many people use skin care products on their faces due to already presenting problems, but neglect applying the products to the neck and chest area because, "it does not look like it's aging." As a result, some have hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and overall unattractive skin.

As we bend our neck to move the head up and down, the platysmal muscle produces vertical bands and horizontal creases, often called "necklace lines".

Neck aging intervention at home:

We can do the number-one thing to help reverse aging on the neck - treat the neck the same way we do our face. I know it is an extra step, but it is worth making the extra effort to extend your current anti-aging products from your face to your chest.

Since the neck has less sebaceous follicles than the face, alternate every other day with potent anti-aging ingredients like retinol or acids, and then a gentle, hydrating moisturizer in the morning.

Anti-Aging In-Office Options

  1. Discoloration & Texture: If you are experiencing discoloration and texture challenges of the neck skin, our go-to treatment is a NanoPeel to gently treat the neck, working up to a Halo treatment of the neck. This will improve the texture, which we often combine with BBL to treat redness and brown spots.
  2. Double Chin: If you have a double chin, we recommend freezing the fat with CoolSculpting. We often will combine this with Kybella to dissolve the fat and give a beautiful profile. If you struggle with a weak profile -dermal filler may be used to help enhance chin projection.
  3. Necklace Lines: To minimize necklace lines, we recommend combining Botox in the platysma bands and superficial hyaluronic acid fillers.

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Solution

The most significant results are achieved through a plastic surgery neck lift procedure. Our top plastic surgeon, Dr. Rieger, can do neck work that is very natural and he addresses sagging and laxity by tightening up muscles and eliminating fatty deposits, while restoring the underlying tissue back to a more youthful position. Don't forget: The neck can definitely become overlooked and give away your age noticeably. Do not treat the neck as the half-sister to the face and let the face get all the attention. Take care of the neck properly. Confidently wear off-the-shoulder tops, and showcase your lower face and neck in your upcoming Zoom and Facetime calls!

Botox Services to Look Younger

Our Massage Services will help you get better sleep

August 9, 2023|

Our Massage Services will help you get better sleep

This past week, I had multiple Zoom and FaceTime calls, and I was surprised at how much discipline it took for me not focus my attention on the effects aging had on my face and neck. I do not think I am alone in this feeling. Spending hours on Zoom and Facetime calls has us looking at our face in motion and not just in static photos. You may notice the aging in your face more than before the quarantine. Laxity, droopiness, or movements from collagen and elastin loss were evident before the COVID-19 outbreak; it is now just looking back at us daily as we are using technology for meetings and virtual cocktail parties!

If you are noticing a more etched-in neck, sagging jowls, or a double chin, you are not alone. Anti-aging treatments are our specialty at Healing Waters; we have one of the most robust clienteles for Botox and dermal fillers in our region, and have been treating the aging face for over 18 years. When you are walked through the science behind neck-related aging and then provided with follow up action steps to turn back the clock, you will realize how important it is to take care of the skin on your neck.

Why Neck Aging Happens

To facilitate the neck and head movement, as well as talking and swallowing, the skin on the neck is more pliable and elastic than the skin on the face. In fact, you can feel this with your fingers by gently tugging on the skin on your neck and then your face to notice the difference.

The neck's skin will show the effects of aging, as collagen and elastin decrease with old age. We still need enough skin to have a full range of motion of the head, but with elastin loss, the skin does not snap back to its resting position, and wrinkles become more prominent. Additionally, neck skin is often neglected, even by people who take care of their faces. We usually fix problems when we see them instead of working hard to prevent problems. Many people use skin care products on their faces due to already presenting problems, but neglect applying the products to the neck and chest area because, "it does not look like it's aging." As a result, some have hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and overall unattractive skin.

As we bend our neck to move the head up and down, the platysmal muscle produces vertical bands and horizontal creases, often called "necklace lines".

Neck aging intervention at home:

We can do the number-one thing to help reverse aging on the neck - treat the neck the same way we do our face. I know it is an extra step, but it is worth making the extra effort to extend your current anti-aging products from your face to your chest.

Since the neck has less sebaceous follicles than the face, alternate every other day with potent anti-aging ingredients like retinol or acids, and then a gentle, hydrating moisturizer in the morning.

Anti-Aging In-Office Options

  1. Discoloration & Texture: If you are experiencing discoloration and texture challenges of the neck skin, our go-to treatment is a NanoPeel to gently treat the neck, working up to a Halo treatment of the neck. This will improve the texture, which we often combine with BBL to treat redness and brown spots.
  2. Double Chin: If you have a double chin, we recommend freezing the fat with CoolSculpting. We often will combine this with Kybella to dissolve the fat and give a beautiful profile. If you struggle with a weak profile -dermal filler may be used to help enhance chin projection.
  3. Necklace Lines: To minimize necklace lines, we recommend combining Botox in the platysma bands and superficial hyaluronic acid fillers.

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Solution

The most significant results are achieved through a plastic surgery neck lift procedure. Our top plastic surgeon, Dr. Rieger, can do neck work that is very natural and he addresses sagging and laxity by tightening up muscles and eliminating fatty deposits, while restoring the underlying tissue back to a more youthful position.

Don't forget:

The neck can definitely become overlooked and give away your age noticeably. Do not treat the neck as the half-sister to the face and let the face get all the attention. Take care of the neck properly. Confidently wear off-the-shoulder tops, and showcase your lower face and neck in your upcoming Zoom and Facetime calls!

What is Botox Cosmetic Treatment?

Botox Services to Look Younger

Botox Services to Look Younger

August 7, 2023|

Botox Services to Look Younger

No matter your gender, beauty or otherwise, everyone wants a beautiful appearance. Sometimes, isn't the first thought in your mind when you see yourselves in the restroom mirror every morning is, "Am I looking okay?", or "Sheesh, do I look older?", "what is that pimple/blackhead/scar doing on my face?" Sadly, a lot of factors can contribute to this including aging, pollution, exposure to extreme sunlight, and even stress. There are many changes that happen as we age, which can affect every part of our bodies. Can these changes be reversed? Is it possible to feel as young as you feel?

Healing Waters can help you. We are a Wichita-based spa that offers Botox services. Botox refers to a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. Healing Waters staff uses Botox for injections using thin needles. You can rest easy. Our staff is qualified and experienced in this field. Our Botox treatment is painless because we use topical anesthetics. You will only feel a pinch.

Our Botox treatment will prevent wrinkles for up to six months. Our injections block chemical signals from nerves that can cause muscles to contract. These injections are done to temporarily relax facial muscles around your face. These muscles are responsible for wrinkles around the eyes and the forehead.

The treatment takes only 10 minutes, believe me!

Here you are! In just 10 minutes, you can get rid of 10 years worth of wrinkles at Healing Waters Wichita. That sounds amazing, doesn't it? Our treatment can help you in many ways.

  • Neck Pain
  • Lazy eye (reduced sight in one eye)
  • Muscle contractions
  • Excessive sweating
  • Chronic migraine
  • Bladder dysfunction
  • Eye twitching

Within a week of the injections, you will notice noticeable effects. You are advised to avoid alcohol for at least one week prior to the treatment. Although it may seem difficult, remember that the final results will be much more dramatic than you expected. To prevent bruising, you should stop taking anti-inflammatory medication for two weeks prior to the treatment. Contact Healing Waters by mail, phone, or direct visit for more information.

Our Massage Services will help you get better slee...

Anti Aging Remedies You NEED

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